Dho Young-shim: A advokat pariwisata kanggo kamanungsan lan kelestarian

The Republic of Korea is reaching out to the world in need, the world of children. And this reaching out is part of a global tourism initiative under the leadership of a Korean lady. This lady is also the only female candidate to become the next Secretary-General for the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)

The lady behind it is Mrs. Dho Young-shim.

On September 25th, 2015, countries adopted a set of goals to end poverty, protect the planet, and ensure prosperity for all as part of a new sustainable development agenda. Each goal has specific targets to be achieved over the next 15 years.

UNWTO and for tourism, the ST-EP Foundation started.  Part of this activity was the  “Thank you Small Library “ project spearheaded by the ST-EP Foundation. This grassroots initiative established libraries in poor areas of the world as tools for community development and employment.

Connected with over 16 international organizations and programs, the UN SDGs TYsl initiative has built sustainable Public-Private Partnerships and has received significant support from the Ministry of Sports, Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Korea, and other partners.

The Initiative has positively changed the world of children and their communities. By giving children access to reading and learning facilities, while promoting the role sports and music have in education was part of the concept.

The initial advocacy Group (2010-2015) was established by Ban Ki Moon. Ambassador Dho Young-shim was appointed as an advocate. The role Madame Dho holds within The ST-EP Foundation and for the growth of Universal Primary Education has been unanimously recognized.

Dho’s initiative furthers reading and learning while offering a place where children can develop their education, sport, and music. The model is based on the Korean know-how and experience the country went through when eliminating poverty.

Through ST-EP and under Madam Dho’s leadership this concept was spread around the world, with a clear focus in Africa.

In the 60s and 70s. Korea was among the poorest countries in the world, with a GDP per capita of $82 in 1961. Today Korea is a major economic power and one of the wealthiest countries in the world with a GDP per capita of 20.000 US$ (2007). To undertake such a transition from a beneficiary country to a donor country, Korea is giving back, this time through sustainable tourism projects.

The establishment of libraries in the world

ST-EP established so far 156 libraried for childern in Africa  and 4 for adults, total 160. They are established in 14 states.
In addition Mongolia, Vietnam, India, Moldova and 14 more countries also have libraries established through the ST-EP initiative. More libraries are in the planning.

Each library is provided with: 3000 books including textbooks. storybooks, non-fiction books and dictionaries.

IMG 0629 | eTurboNews | eTN IMG 0618 | eTurboNews | eTN

Libraries have bookshelves, round tables, chairs, desk and a chair for the librarian. Other items: computer set, first aid kits, soccer balls, stationery, pens, pencils, sharpeners, notebooks, educational posters, maps etc.

Books for blind people are now available in Ethiopia starting 2015 in cooperation with the Ethiopian National Association of the blind.

Millenium villages as Tourism Destinations

Ambassador Dho Young-shim implementation of the Millennium Villages as a Tourism Destinations (MVTD) project, and established by the UNWTO ST-EP Foundation is to create tourism-related jobs, income and business opportunities in 14 Millennium Villages in 10 countries of Sub-Sahara Africa.

This 5-year project was implemented in2011.

Amb. Doh Young Shim | eTurboNews | eTN

Hospitals for population in need

The MCM general hospital located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, was founded by Myung sung Presbyterian church of South Korea to provide quality health care to Ethiopians and to train Ethiopian medical professionals. MCM has both Ethiopian and foreign medical professionals who are motivated and committed to caring for the medical needs of patients.

“We aim to produce many Ethiopian specialists who will help Ethiopia to be no longer regarded as a medically underserved country. Through all these efforts, our wish and desire is contribute to the progress of Ethiopians”, said ambassador Dho Yung-shim. Dho has been playing a frontline role in tourism on a global level for the past four decades. She worked extensively within the UN and UNWTO for over twenty years.

Ambassador Dho and her running mate Carlos Vogeler issued an appeal to ministers of tourism voting at the upcoming  executive council meeting in Madrid on May 12.


Mung sawetara dina, salah sawijining keputusan sing paling penting kanggo masa depan pariwisata global bakal ditindakake ing sesi kaping 105 UNWTO Dewan Eksekutif. 12 Meith, 2017 is when 33 Executive Council Members will propose a successor to Dr.Taleb Rifai as the next UNWTO Secretary General. This recommendation cannot be taken lightly – there is too much at stake. Starting from day 1 of taking office, the new Secretary General must build on the invaluable work of Dr Rifai, maintaining and enhancing the support and cooperation achieved with governments, businesses, accademia, the UN system, other International Organisations, NGOs, and travellers worldwide.

As you yourself know, the role of tourism in global development – poverty alleviation, sustainability, unity, inclusivity, peace and stability – is too important for leadership risk-taking. Making the right choice demands focus on candidate vision, credentials and character. The world of tourism depends on it. By choosing us the Secretariat of the UNWTO bakal dipimpin kanggo pisanan dening wong wadon, lan dening wong saka Asia, wilayah kaloro donya dening kegiatan wisata sawise Eropah, kang wis nyekeli posisi Sekretaris Jenderal ing telung saka limang kesempatan.

Wiwit awal pencalonan, kita matur nuwun banget kanggo sampeyan wis ngrungokake pendekatan kita kanggo pimpinan sabanjure Organisasi, sing nawakake kombinasi stabilitas lan renovasi. Bebarengan, kita bakal kanthi hormat lan tanggung jawab mbangun warisan sing ditampa, nyuntikake tingkat energi lan mobilisasi strategis sing luwih apik kanggo njupuk Organisasi menyang papan sing anyar.

Sing penting, kasunyatan manawa kita loro asale saka G20 lan negara-negara maju ekonomi OECD - Republik Korea lan Spanyol - nambah kemampuan kita kanggo nguatake. UNWTO anggota, nggawa bali menyang UNWTO negara industri sing saiki adoh saka organisasi utawa malah sing ora tau karo kita.

Pencalonan kita minangka "tiket" tim, wong wadon lan wong sing beda-beda, nanging dalan profesional lan prestasi sing beda-beda ing sektor pariwisata, lan saka rong wilayah ing donya sing adoh saka saben liyane, nanging kanthi jelas ditemtokake kanggo kerja sama, unik. Kombinasi kita pas sampurna minangka tim, lan pengalaman kita karo UNWTO bakal njamin efektifitas kita wiwit dina. Sajrone rong puluh taun kepungkur, kita loro-lorone wis ana hubungane karo Organisasi, ing njaba lan internal.

Kemitraan kita nggambarake visi kita: salah sawijining sing kuwat, fokus ing pangiriman UNWTO, juara Pariwisata global minangka enabler tombol kanggo pemenuhan agenda wutah global luwih. Prioritas langsung kita bakal dadi:


  • Nggawe struktur sing ramping, lincah & fokus ing pangiriman kanthi transparansi proses internal lan alokasi sumber daya, bebarengan karo manajemen finansial sing apik lan kontribusi sukarela sing efektif.
  • Kanggo nambah lan nguatake badan anggota, nggunakake jaringan sambungan tingkat dhuwur minangka negara OECD lan uga ing Sistem PBB.
  • Kanggo ngetrapake kabijakan hubungan pelanggan kanggo anggota supaya bisa nggayuh tingkat kepuasan lan kesetiaan sing dhuwur, lan nuwuhake rasa bangga dadi UNWTO Anggota


  • Kanggo nemtokake proyek / tema prioritas, utamane babagan tren pemasaran anyar, uga pasar pariwisata lan profil wisata anyar, kanthi fokus khusus ing pasar outbound utama
  • Kanggo nggedhekake upaya kanggo nambah fasilitas lelungan kanthi aman, aman lan lancar. Kita bakal ngusulake nggunakake hak istimewa kasebut UNWTO ndarbeni minangka badan khusus PBB, kanggo sijine loro masalah visa pariwisata lan travel advisories kanggo ECOSOC, sesuai karo persetujuan ngubungake loro institusi.
  • Kanggo mbantu Negara Kapuloan Cilik uga Negara pesisir, kanggo ngetrapake model pembangunan sing lestari ing lingkungan sing rapuh lan tingkat diversifikasi ekonomi sing kurang.
  • Kanggo ningkatake pemberdayaan wanita lan kesetaraan gender ing pariwisata
  • Kanggo menehi perhatian khusus marang pariwisata sosial, promosi akses universal menyang lelungan lan luang kanggo kelompok sing rawan: senior, wong cacat, komunitas pribumi utawa kelompok sing kurang beruntung.
  • Kanggo nyengkuyung pangembangan inisiatif Public Private Partnership antarane anggota
  • Kanggo nggawe UNWTO organisasi teladan kanggo solusi pembangunan lestari lan praktik lingkungan lan sosial, lan ngembangake kemitraan babagan owah-owahan iklim, pertumbuhan ijo, lsp.
  • Maju ing panggunaan teknologi kanggo tujuan sing cerdas lan konsep digitalisasi anyar sing ditrapake kanggo Pariwisata, ngenali kesempatan kanggo anggota, kalebu nganalisa, ngolah lan aplikasi data gedhe, kasunyatan virtual, kasunyatan ditambah kanggo pangerten sing luwih apik, ngrancang lan ngoptimalake pengunjung. pengalaman.
  • Kanggo mbantu anggota ing manajemen tujuan lan ningkatake daya saing lan daya tarik, lan nemtokake standar, babagan lingkungan lan kualitas layanan ing tingkat tujuan.


Kanggo nguatake kapasitas riset Organisasi sing ngasilake akeh pasinaon kanggo tujuan advokasi, kalebu:

  • ukuran akurat babagan efek ekonomi lan sosial pariwisata lestari kanthi metodologi sing ora bisa ditakoni lan kabeh indikator sing dibutuhake
  • sumber daya sing dialokasikan dening negara lan tujuan kanggo kegiatan marketing, branding lan promosi supaya bisa ngrancang model pemasaran global kanggo ngukur pengaruh lan efisiensi kampanye promosi ing pasar manca.
  • pariwisata domestik kanggo luwih ngerti alam lan ngukur impact sawijining
  • masalah lan impact related kanggo "layanan pribadi ing platform digital", ora akurat diidentifikasi minangka "kolaborasi / ekonomi enggo bareng" klebu. konsekuensi ing komponen luwih tradisional saka industri travel
  • evolusi sawetara pasar khusus kalebu pariwisata bisnis / MICE, wisata budaya, wisata belanja, pariwisata kutha, pelayaran, wisata petualangan, pariwisata pemuda, pariwisata kesehatan & kesejahteraan, pariwisata religius, gastronomi lan wisata anggur, uga pariwisata deso lan wisata gunung lan ngevaluasi impact pariwisata saka acara olahraga lan budaya utama.

 Identifikasi pilihan Dewan Eksekutif lan proposal saka Sekretaris Jenderal sabanjure UNWTO kudu fokus ing kompetensi ing Pariwisata, kanggo Pariwisata. Masa depan saka UNWTO and wider UN system’s ability to utilize Tourism as a critical tool for development of nations, as well as fulfillment of the SDGs, depends on the Executive Council Members choosing carefully and responsibly the most capable and experienced leadership.

Bebarengan kita kudu mesthekake yen iki minangka masa depan sing ditetepake dening pimpinan sadurunge pimpinan.

APA sing kudu dijupuk saka ARTIKEL INI:

  • Ambassador Dho Young-shim implementation of the Millennium Villages as a Tourism Destinations (MVTD) project, and established by the UNWTO ST-EP Foundation is to create tourism-related jobs, income and business opportunities in 14 Millennium Villages in 10 countries of Sub-Sahara Africa.
  • Connected with over 16 international organizations and programs, the UN SDGs TYsl initiative has built sustainable Public-Private Partnerships and has received significant support from the Ministry of Sports, Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Korea, and other partners.
  • Today Korea is a major economic power and one of the wealthiest countries in the world with a GDP per capita of 20.

About penulis

Avatar Mario Masciullo - eTN Italia

Mario Masciullo - eTN Italia

Mario minangka veteran ing industri lelungan.
Pengalamane ngluwihi donya wiwit taun 1960 nalika umure 21 taun wiwit njelajah Jepang, Hong Kong, lan Thailand.
Mario wis ndeleng Pariwisata Donya berkembang nganti saiki lan nyekseni
karusakan saka root / testimoni jaman biyen pirang-pirang negara sing seneng modernitas / kemajuan.
Sajrone 20 taun kepungkur, pengalaman lelungan Mario wis konsentrasi ing Asia Tenggara lan pungkasane kalebu Benua India.

Bagéan saka pengalaman kerja Mario kalebu macem-macem kegiyatan ing Penerbangan Sipil
lapangan rampung sawise ngatur wiwitan kanggo Malaysia Singapore Airlines ing Italia dadi Institutor lan terus suwene 16 taun ing peran Sales / Marketing Manager Italia kanggo Singapore Airlines sawise pamisahan kaloro pamrentah kasebut ing Oktober 1972.

Lisensi Jurnalis resmi Mario yaiku "Order Nasional Jurnalis Roma, Italia ing taun 1977.

Nuduhake ...